Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Malwarebytes Antivirus Support to discern Antivirus and Antimalware

Malwarebytes Antivirus Support Helps you to Spot the Difference between Antivirus and Antimalware

Antivirus seems to be confusing sometimes because some of the antiviruses also work as anti-malware but some don’t. There are millions of malware out there, so the question is- is it good to use an antivirus which also work as antimalware to stay protected or should we try an effective antivirus software and antimalware program separately. Malwarebytes Antivirus Support experts have given some idea about how to make a decision for it all, and which tool you can trust to keep your PC secure.
Although security software has made our life hassle-free from security risks, the threat of malware and virus is always there. They are there, trying to infect your computer every point of time. Fortunately, with some basic understanding of what you are up against, and the use of the right tool can keep your device safe from threats.

Uncovering Virus, Malware, and other Threats | Malwarebytes Antivirus Support

 the virus is a type of malware designed to replicate and spread, while malware is a broad term to describe all sort of unwanted or malicious codes. It includes virus, spyware, Trojans, worms, nagware, Ransomware, and more. Nevertheless, viruses are always in the headlines, that is why most of the security software companies focus their marketing on Antivirus. Another tool is “anti-malware”. Malware is a broad term that includes viruses—so it isn’t clear which threats they cover either. So, we set out to find out which tools cover which threats, and how to keep you 100% covered.
Which tool scans for which threat?
Many users think that their anti-malware also protects their computer from viruses, and their antivirus also protects their computer from malware. However, our Malwarebytes Antivirus Support experts did a deep study and analysis of some big security software to find out what their software will and won’t protect you from. Here what they found:
Avast! Free Antivirus
Our Malwarebytes Antivirus Support experts found that Avast’s response was particularly interesting. Avast protects you from a lot of the new security threats that have appeared in recent years. Additionally, it gives us some insight into how Avast updates its clients in real time whenever it detects new threat, without forcing users to download massive virus definition packages or database uplifts.
Malwarebytes Anti-malware
Malwarebytes Antivirus Support experts in their study found that Malwarebytes aims to detect as much malware as possible. However, their focus isn’t on those classic threats like viruses and worms. Thus, in the nutshell, Malwarebytes aims to protect you against all types of malware. However, common viruses and older threats aren’t included in its protection. It protects users from new exploits, Trojans, backdoors, adware, and spyware. For everything else, you’ll need a traditional on-access security tool.

Malwarebytes Antivirus Support Recommendation: Use One Antivirus Tool and One Anti-Malware Tool

So here is the conclusion, no one tool can catch everything. Therefore, Malwarebytes Antivirus Support experts suggest you install one Antivirus (Preferably Avast Antivirus) and one Anti-Malware tool (Malwarebytes Anti-Malware) to ensure complete protection of your device.

Search Results

Note: It is not a good idea to use two security tools at the same time. It will interfere with each other, and possibly even slow down your computer. Use one that runs in the background, and other that runs on-demand. Disable the background one when you run your on-demand one.

In the end, a good understanding of browsing and basic knowledge of threat should be your first line of defense against malware, spyware, and viruses. However, Malwarebytes Antivirus Support recommends you to run effective antivirus in the background and on-demand antimalware to cover remaining. This way you can protect your device and can scan your system for malware whenever you want to. Contact our Malwarebytes Antivirus Support experts by calling our Toll-Free Numbers. Our contact numbers for USA/Canada: 1-800-294-5907: 1-844-573-0859 UK: 0-808-189-0272 Australia: 1-300-326-128. You can contact us via email also, our email address is

1 comment:

  1. You can contact through the Malwarebytes Customer Care Phone Number and find immediate solutions to the queries related to the antivirus.
